Characterisation of focusing optics
Focusing optics for laser cutting, welding or structuring are designed to generate a defined focus. To optimise and verifiy the optical quality of such lens assemlies, dedicated wavefront measurements are carried out. During operation of the laser machine, measuring the wavefront of the laser optical system enables online process monitoring and control. In particular, these applications benefit from the high intrinsic stability of the SHSLab wavefront sensor, and the possibility of using it at very different wavelengths. In addition to individual lenses, mirrors or beam splitters, F-Theta lenses, for example, can also be tested extensively.Measurement of thermal lens effects
In applications with high power densities, absorption in laser processing optics can cause thermal effects that negatively affect laser beam quality. In the case of resonators or focusing optics, the use of a wavefront sensor enables the measurement of thermal lens effects and the associated focus shift, as well as the induced higher-order aberrations. Furthermore, the wavefront measurement provides an indication of the power absorbed in an optical element. With their outstanding sensitivity, Optocraft’s SHSLab wavefront sensors enable the detection of extremely weak effects in the optics used and the resulting laser beams.
Best-in-class solutions for the monitoring of laser systems
The SHSLab wavefront sensor enables fast and accurate wavefront measurements in a wide range of wavelengths. Available for DUV (193nm-355nm), UV (266nm-405nm), VIS / NIR (355nm-1064nm) and SWIR (980nm-1700nm). For process automation, the Shack-Hartmann software offers dedicated integration interfaces that facilitate setting up the wavefront sensor for inline monitoring applications.
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