Optical switches, multiplexers and amplifiers represent interfaces in fiber optic transmission systems in which losses must be avoided while ensuring high coupling efficiencies.
Wavefront sensors are used to adjust transmission optics quickly and precisely. Using wavefront tilt and defocus, e.g. collimation optics or optics for fiber coupling can be aligned efficiently and with low effort. Furthermore, the information provided by the wavefront sensor can be used to monitor and automate the alignment process. The subsequent analysis of higher order aberrations enables further optimization and final qualification.
Manufacturers of fiber optic systems also use Shack-Hartmann sensors for automated, wavefront-based alignment, thus ensuring for more efficiency in their processes.
Used worldwide in production, quality assurance and R&D, Optocraft’s wavefront measurement technology is pivotal to the improvement of optical processes and systems in telecommunications.

Our solution for the alignment of fiber optic systems
SHSLab wavefront sensors measure quickly and accurately in a wide spectral range . Available for DUV (193nm-355nm), UV (266nm-405nm), VIS / NIR (355nm-1064nm) and SWIR (980nm-1700nm).
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